Jealousy And Self Confidence Can't Live In The Same House

I felt led to write about a passionate emotion that has plagued everyone at least once in their life and that is "jealousy"!

Oh yes, that green eyed monster that rears it's ugly head when self doubt, insecurity and fear oozes into our lives!

I had a conversation years ago with someone who felt jealousy was a "positive" emotion and that it was a way of expressing love for your spouse or partner.
They were taken aback when I whole heartedly disagreed!

Jealousy is based on fear, the fear of losing something or someone. Over a prolonged period of time, that fear will eat away at your relationship like rust on a car. Before you know it, the relationship becomes toxic, spirals out of control and eventually disintegrates.

The law of attraction states: "What you think about, you bring about" - one of my favorite quotes that I apply to my daily thoughts.

The more you think about jealousy and everything that means to you in your life right now, the more situations you will attract that creates more jealousy. It becomes a visicious cycle, one that you need to stop - TODAY!

Prolonged fear also leads to disease in the body. It shows up as tension, anxiety, nervousness, worry, doubt, insecurity and unworthiness.

We must reprogram our fears and replace them with faith so that our bodies don't deteriorate, leaving us sick and disease ridden - have no doubt, fear will eat away at your body just like rust on a car!

Replace that fear with love for yourself!
You can do that by stopping the criticism, stop the self loathing, stop the need to control others!

I have written a tapping script that may help you through this process.

If you are new to this blog and unfamiliar with the tapping process, please see the "introduction to tapping" link at the top of this page.

It will provide you with everything you need to know!

As always, please change the words to fit your current situation

Karate chop point:

"Even though I am consumed with jealousy, I deeply and completely love and accept myself”

"Even though I have always been a very jealous person, I accept this feeling and everything it means to me”

"Even though I don't know if I want to let go of this feeling, I love who I am anyway"

Round One:

EB: All this jealousy
SE: It's all I think about every day
UE: I don't like feeling this way
UN: My head tells me it is wrong
CH: But I don't know if I want to let go
CB: I won't be in control if I let this jealousy go
UA: What would happen to us if I let this feeling go
HD: Being in control is what I do
WR: I am so scared of what might happen if I let this go

** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the second round of tapping**

Round Two:

EB: I know these feelings are wrong
SE: I am open to looking at this situation differently
UE: Maybe if I relaxed and didn't push so hard
UN: What would happen if I chose to be more trusting?
CH: I may find some self confidence once and for all
CB: I know jealousy and self confidence can't co-exist in a healthy relationship
UA: I might be surprised how good I feel if I let this jealousy go
HD: I could focus on strengthening our relationsip, instead of tearing it apart
WR: My body will thank me for turning this around!

** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the third round of tapping**

Round Three:

EB: I forgive myself and anyone else who may have contributed to all these jealous feelings
SE: I love knowing I can move beyond this
UE: What a liberating feeling
UN: I choose to focus my energy in a more positive direction
CH: I choose to relax
CB: And go with the flow
UA: I just kicked that green eyed monster to the curb once and for all
HD: I am feeling more peace, calm and clarity now
WR: I love who I am and what I am becoming!

**Take a final deep breath and repeat as necessary**

Round Four:

EB: It's time to let it go
SE: Let it go
UE: Let it go
UN: It's safe to let it go
CH: I'm safe
CB: All this hurt, sadness, betrayal and grief
UA: It's safe to let it all go
HD: I'm ready to let it go
WR: I'm ready to take this positive step in my relationship!

Showering you with blessings of trust and self confidence!
Cindy Selvaggio Shumaker

Change Is Good.......Right?

My last post centered around tapping on your blocks to success. I hope many of you who tried tapping, uncovered emotional blocks that may have held you back from moving one step closer to your goals and dreams.

Here’s another thought to consider: What if the key to unlocking an abundant future was closer than you originally thought? What if it was so close, yet so far away because you haven’t opened your mind to a new idea or opportunity?

Many of us have found our daily rut very comfortable; so comfortable that we never take the time to raise our heads long enough to see the vast opportunities that lie around us. We are too scared to think outside the box because the territory is unfamiliar and frankly, a little daunting.

If you have been fortunate enough to recognize an opportunity, but have not taken that step forward, subconsciously you may be holding yourself back due to the influences of your family, friends, co-workers, etc.

Many tend to box themselves into a world that others see as normal or safe. We take on their opinions and decide those are the same rules that should be applied to our lives.

But what if they’re wrong? What if a whole new lease on life is one decision away? It may be worth your time to step out of that rut for a brief moment and discover a cosmic world of new opportunities some that may change your life forever!

I challenge you today, to move beyond your comfort zone, extend your antennae and open your eyes to new opportunities that may knock at your door. Take a moment and entertain them, invited them in for a cup of coffee or tea and see what they have to offer. You don’t have to say yes… just have to listen, think and make an educated decision about your future!

Right now, make a declaration to keep an open mind to new opportunities and watch what unfolds – you may be pleasantly surprised!

Here’s a tapping script to help you open your mind to receiving new opportunities and the ability to recognize them!

If you are new to this blog and unfamiliar with the tapping process, please see the "introduction to tapping" link at the top of this page. It will provide you with everything you need to know!

As always, please change the words to fit your current situation

Karate chop point:

"Even though I rarely deviate from my normal routine and I don’t deal with change well, I deeply and completely love and accept myself”

"Even though new ideas scare me, I accept this feeling and everything it means to me”

"Even though I want a change in my life and I’m not sure what that means right now, I am open to entertaining new opportunities”

Round One:

EB: I need a change
SE: But I’m scared to try anything different
UE: It’s the fear of the unknown
UN: What if it doesn’t work out?
CH: What will people say?
CB: I feel paralyzed
UA: I can’t make any decisions
HD: Why can’t I move forward and stay where I am
WR: Well, that didn’t make sense did it?!

** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the second round of tapping**

Round Two:

EB: I want a change in my current situation
SE: I know I need to do something different
UE: Something I’ve never tried before
UN: I am open to the possibility that this may be easier than I thought
CH: Change is good….right?
CB: A change might be liberating
UA: It might be a lot of fun too
HD: I am willing to flirt with the idea of a new fun way of achieving my goals and dreams
WR: Ok, I am unlocking the door and welcoming all new opportunities to come inside!

** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the third round of tapping**

Round Three:

EB: I forgive myself and anyone else who may have contributed to this fear of the unknown
SE: I freely release all beliefs and mental confinements I have adopted from well meaning friends and family that have kept me stuck all these years
UE: I am ready to see what I am really made of
UN: I love that I am taking charge of my life starting today
CH: I am open to all the universe has in store for me
CB: All these new ideas
UA: I am getting so excited
HD: I feel more calm and confident than I have in years
WR: I am ready…… bring it on!!

**Take a final deep breath and repeat as necessary**

Wishing you an abundant filled future!
Cindy (Selvaggio) Shumaker

I Have So Much I Want To Accomplish, So What The Heck Is My Problem?

Well, it's already half way through the first month of 2012 - how are you doing with the goals you set on January 1st?

The start of a new year is very intoxicating as the excitement builds surrounding the possibilities of a new beginning for all those goals and dreams.

What I find happens is that most people soon realize that January 1st is not as magical as they thought it was; just like starting your diet on a Monday after binging all weekend!

But...quite the contrary!

January 1st is just as magical as any given day of the year.
Any day can be the first day to tackle your goals!
You don't have to wait till Monday, the 1st of the month or any other day for that matter.
All that is, is procrastination!

Make a decision that today will be the last day for procrastination! You can change the course of your life right now!

If you are spinning your 2012 wheels and finding you can't get the traction you need, then try the tapping script below.
As you tap, don't be surprised if your blocks to success are revealed one layer at a time - just like peeling the skins of an onion! Layer by layer, your "buts" and "what ifs" come rushing into your consciousness and you must tackle those before you can move forward!

If you are new to this blog and unfamiliar with the tapping process, please see the "introduction to tapping" link at the top of this page. It will provide you with everything you need to know!

As always, please change the words to fit your current situation

Karate Chop:

"Even though I don’t have a clue what my block to success is, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway"

"Even though I know there is something holding me back, I accept this feeling and everything it means to me"

"Even though I might be afraid or conflicted about my success, I know I have it in me to be successful"

Round One:

EB: What the heck is my problem?
SE: I’m not sure where it stems from
UE: Could it be something that happened to me as a child
UN: Could it be something emotionally traumatic I’ve stuffed deep down inside
CH: All this success blockage
CB: I feel like I am trapped in my own mental dungeon
UA: I keep looking out the window and my life looks so different
HD: So why can’t I open the door and leave this dungeon behind
WR: All this success fear and procrastination...

** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the second round of tapping**

Round Two:

EB: I really want to turn this around
SE: I have so much I want to accomplish
UE: There are riches that await me
UN: My life could be so different
CH: If I could just step outside this dungeon
CB: What if it was more simple than I thought
UA: What if I am only a few thoughts away from achieving my dreams
HD: I think I am ready to take that step
WR: I KNOW I am ready to take that step starting today!

** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the second round of tapping**

Round three:

EB: I forgive myself and anyone who may have contributed to my mental blocks
SE: Tapping may be the key I need to release myself from this dungeon
UE: Could it really be that easy?
UN: I am already starting to feel lighter about this
CH: I am feeling more calm and confident with each breath I take
CB: I am so proud of myself for turning this around
UA: I am taking back control of my life
HD: I choose to quit looking behind me
WR: And focus on becoming the winner that I am!!

I wish you much success always!
Cindy (Selvaggio) Shumaker

How Can I Go On?

Hello 2012!

It’s been almost 6 months since the last time I was able to blog and so much has happened since then!

I moved in August and got married mid October! After the honeymoon, I spent November and December settling in and preparing for the holidays.

Time has just flown by, but now that we are well into the New Year, I wanted to start writing and inspiring with new tapping scripts for reaching the goals many have set for the year.
As I dug deep down inside myself for insight and inspiration, I also looked at the remarks and comments on my Calming Your Inner Storm Facebook page. I was drawn to all the sadness and grief that many readers have had to endure recently.

I realized there were many who couldn’t begin to entertain the thought of setting new goals because their hearts were so heavy with emotional grief.

I knew there was no way I could inspire or motivate until I could help lighten the emotional load so many have been carrying.

I felt led today to write a tapping script on dealing with grief as it relates to the death of a loved one. I hope the following script helps in some way to help ease your burdens and open your heart to carry you into this New Year.

If you are new to this blog and unfamiliar with the tapping process, please see the "introduction to tapping" link at the top of this page. It will provide you with everything you need to know!

As always, please change the words to fit your current situation

If you are dealing with the grief of a pet, please look in the archives last May for the post: “I will see you again on Rainbow Bridge”

Karate chop point:

"Even though I am full of grief, I deeply and completely love and accept myself”
"Even though my heart feels like it is going to break, I accept this feeling and everything it means to me”
"Even though I want to curl up in a ball and cry, I know I am stronger than I think I am right now”

Round One:

EB: All this death grief
SE: My heart is going to break
UE: So much sadness
UN: How can I go on?
CH: What will I do without _______ (insert name)?
CB: I feel so lost
UA: Don’t know how to go on
HD: This feeling consumes me
WR: Can time really heal all wounds?

** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the second round of tapping**

Round Two:

EB: I hate facing each new day
SE: I don’t like feeling this way
UE: I have to find a way to turn this around
UN: I want to be happy again
CH: I know I can’t change things
CB: I can’t bring ___________ (insert name) back
UA: _______ (insert name) would want me to go on
HD: They would want me to remember the good times
WR: And cherish all those memories

** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the third round of tapping**

Round Three:

EB: I forgive myself and anyone else who may have contributed to this grief
SE: I choose to quiet this inner storm starting today
UE: I will focus on happier times
UN: I choose to slowly let go
CH: I fully and freely release this grief
CB: My heart is starting to feel a little lighter
UA: I love how I am regaining control a little bit at a time
HD: Each day will get a little better
WR: I am starting to feel calmer and more peaceful!