How the Subconscious Mind Works

Have you ever been told that you can't control other people, only your reaction to that person and/or circumstance?
That's true, but did you realize that your subconscious is running the show?
It determines how you are going to react in any given situation and it all starts at birth....

Steve Remmert does a great job of explaining how the subconscious works - it all makes sense now!

What Happens in Your Brain While You're Tapping?

When you use the FasterEFT process, the effects are not just “in your mind”. Physical changes happen in your brain as you use the technique. It literally changes the structure of the neocortex of your brain as old connections are replaced by new. As you use the FasterEFT technique on an ongoing basis, you are changing the neural connections in your brain – which will result in an automatic change to the way you think. And thinking differently will naturally change the results you experience in your life.

How Does it Work?

The neocortex is the outer part of the brain – the walnut-shaped part that we all recognize as the brain. When you have a thought, a connection is made in this part of the brain between nerve cells or neurons. Every thought is a connection. Thinking the same thought over and over creates a more permanent connection between those particular neurons. This is how we learn intellectually. When a particular neural pathway is no longer being used, the connection begins to atrophy and those neurons no longer fire together. This is how we forget information. 

The connection in the neocortex triggers the limbic brain (chemical brain) – which is positioned underneath the neocortex – to produce chemicals that cause a sensation, a feeling, that matches the thought. With repetition, the combination of the neural pathway becoming more permanent and the limbic brain producing the matching chemicals causes the cerebellum (the reptilian brain) – the seat of the subconscious – to record the response. This is the reason you’re able to drive home for 30 minutes and not remember the journey. Your cerebellum is doing the driving. It’s also the reason you react automatically with no conscious decision when someone “pushes your buttons”.

So, What’s it Got to Do with FasterEFT?

 When you use the FasterEFT process, you are addressing the original records in the subconscious, and making changes to them.