Even Though It Seems Like Everything Is Going Wrong

Have you ever had a day when everything seems to go wrong and frustration sets in?

I’ve had several days like that lately and being a believer in the Law of Attraction I knew I had to turn my thoughts around or I would find myself riding the hamster wheel again tomorrow – No thank you!

Next time you feel like your day is spinning out of control, try the following tapping script.
It will ground you and balance your energy so everything starts falling into place again!

If you are new to this blog and unfamiliar with the tapping process, please see the "introduction to tapping" link at the top of this page. It will provide you with everything you need to know!

As always, please change the words to fit your current situation

Karate chop point:

"Even though nothing is going my way, I deeply and completely love and accept myself”
"Even though I am so frustrated, I accept this feeling and everything it means to me”
"Even though it seems like everything is going wrong, I know that better days are ahead”

Round One:

EB: I’m having a bad day
SE: Nothing seems to be going my way
UE: I keep hitting road blocks
UN: My thoughts feel heavy
CH: Like a ball and chain around my head
CB: I just can’t seem to make any progress
UA: At this rate, how am I ever going to get ahead?
HD: I am so frustrated right now
WR: I want to shed this energetic anchor soon or I am going to drown in my own pool of dark thoughts!

** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the second round of tapping**

Round Two:

EB: I know I need to turn my thoughts around
SE: I will be sorry if I don’t
UE: I am going to start with a deep breath
UN: My mind keeps wandering in the wrong direction
CH: But I won’t let it
CB: I know I will attract more of what I think about
UA: So I need to keep my thoughts positive
HD: I choose to imagine everything falling into place
WR: I won’t worry about the “how”, I will just trust that it will!

** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the third round of tapping**

Round Three:

EB: I forgive myself and anyone else that contributed to all this frustration
SE: I choose to just go with the flow from now on
UE: This process might be easier than I thought
UN: Everything is divine timing
CH: So I choose to relax and accept any and all outcomes
CB: I am taking control again
UA: I can feel my head start to clear
HD: My body is starting to relax
WR: I am feeling more calm and confident about this situation

**Take a final deep breath and repeat as necessary**

Wishing you acceptance and clarity today!
Cindy (Selvaggio) Shumaker

I am hosting a FREE tapping teleclass on Saturday February 25th
You can register at this link:

Tell Me Yes, Tell Me No - Tell Me Quick I Have To Go!

We've all experienced it at some point in life

What about rejection of your goals and dreams?
Have you ever had someone steal your thunder, pop your balloon, flat out squash your dreams?

Didn't feel good, did it?

Since I was in my teens, I've always had an entrepreneurial spirit, but not everyone saw my vision!

The expectation was to get an education, get a job, work hard, retire with a great pension and live happily ever after!
Right.........that has not worked out well for many people in today's economy.

As far back as I could remember, I always had my head buried in motivational books. Zig Ziglar and Napoleon Hill became my mentors and still are today.

Those books instilled in me the power of dreams and filled me with hope of a better future!
They literally changed my view of life!

Along this road of self discovery, I found much rejection which stopped me in my tracks at different times.
How could people stomp on my dreams when they were supposed to be my friend?

What I didn't comprehend until recently was why those closest to me couldn't see what I saw when presented with an opportunity of bettering themselves.
Why couldn't they think outside the box and see the bigger picture of what life had to offer?

Then I discovered something that made it all very clear!

Many times people were afraid of MY success because it made them feel like a failure. I learned that the negative thoughts and words they vomited all over me was about THEM, not about me! It was a way of protecting their ego.

That has been the best lesson I've learned in life

So now, when I share my vision of a great opportunity with friends and family, I am not attached to the outcome of our conversaton.
If they get it GREAT, but if they don't I move on to others who will.... "tell me yes or tell me no, tell me quick I have to go!" NEXT!!

I never absorb rejection or the negative vibrations because that cuts off the flow of good things into my life.
Letting go and moving on will expand my life, expand my circle of friends and explode my business success in ways I could have never imagined!

So next time you share your dreams, visons or business opportunity with others and they don't get it, don't take it personally, just let it go and say NEXT!

To help you jump start that thought, I wrote a tapping script to help you handle rejection in a positive way!

If you are new to this blog and unfamiliar with the tapping process, please see the "introduction to tapping" link at the top of this page. It will provide you with everything you need to know!

As always, please change the words to fit your current situation

Karate chop point:

"Even though I hate all this rejection, I deeply and completely love and accept myself”
"Even though getting a "no" doesn't feel good, I accept this feeling and everything it means to me”
"Even though they just don't get it, I love what I am doing and I will not give up”

Round One:

EB: All this rejection
SE: They just don't seem to get it
UE: They look at me like I'm crazy
UN: Is it even registering in their brains?
CH: My family and friends are the worst
CB: They just don't get it
UA: Why can't they see the vision?
HD: It seems like they don't want me to succeed
WR: Rejection just doesn't feel good, especially when it comes from them!

** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the second round of tapping**

Round Two:

EB: Maybe I shouldn't take this so personally
SE: They don't know what they don't know
UE: I can't allow myself to get pulled down by their negative responses
UN: What if this is all about THEM and has nothing to do with me
CH: Maybe they don't want to support what I do because it makes them feel bad
CB: Subconsciously it might make them feel like a failure
UA: I can't get hung up on their hang ups!
HD: I have dreams and goals to pursue
WR: And I'll be darned if they are going to steal those from me!

** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the third round of tapping**

Round Three:

EB: It feels better knowing they aren't rejecting me and what I have to offer
SE: They are protecting themselves from a sense of failure
UE: I choose to forgive myself and anyone else that may have contributed to all these feelings of rejection in my past
UN: I am ready to take charge and move on
CH: So....tell me yes or tell me no
CB: Just tell me quick, I have to go!
HD: YES!!! I am feeling more confident than I have in a long time
WR: I am ready to build my business and live my dreams starting right now!

**Take a final deep breath and repeat as necessary**

If you like this script, I have more available in my e-book "Tapping from A-Z" available on my website. It contains 51 tapping scripts one for each letter of the alphabet:

•a is for anger
•b is for backpain
•c is for clutter
•d is for dental anxiety, etc

I wrote this e-book in 2009, before I added the "WR" wrist point but you can modify as you wish.

I am running a special on the book right now for $15 (orig: $22.99)

Here is the link: www.tappingheals.com/catalog/item/7249454/7483938.htm

Any questions or concerns, please email me at: calmingyourinnerstorm@gmail.com

Wishing you a rejection free future!
Cindy (Selvaggio) Shumaker

All This Back Pain!

I love to empower myself with self help books and when I first started reading self healing books, I was amazed to learn that so much of our pain is caused from stored emotions in the body.

That led me to think about many of my co-workers and friends who suffer from back pain. Many have no physical contributor to their pain and doctors can't find a medical reason, yet they are still in pain.

The only option many of them have is to pop a pill and mask the pain. That is fine for temporary relief, but the long term goal is to find the root of the problem and eradicate it like pulling a weed, root and all! If you don't pull out the root, the weed will pop up again, just like your back pain when the pain killer wears off.

Right now, many of you are saying, "but I have a physical reason for my back pain"!
For those that do have a diagnosed reason for your pain, there are emotions that are tied to that pain.

For example, I have a friend that broke her back in a car accident, and even though she has pins and rods and scars that give her pain, she still has emotions tied to that accident.

Those are the emotions I am talking about. The thoughts that still haunt you in regards to the event that led to your physical condition and pain.

I love Louse L. Hay's book "Heal Your Body", I have learned so much about myself and my body after reading her book.

Here's some interesting facts that I have picked up from her and other self help books about back pain:

Lower back pain: fear of money, lack of financial support
Middle back pain: guilt
Upper back pain: lack of emotional support; feeling unloved; holding back love

Typically, pain on the right side of the body is associated with finances and pain on the left side of the body is associated with relationships. For a minority of people, that can be flipped: right side = relationships and the left side = finances.

When I work with clients who are dealing with any kind of pain, I have them answer a questionnaire about the possible events and/or emotions associated with the pain. This enables me to get a better grip on the emotions that may be trapped in thier body.

Most are pleasantly amazed at the pain relief by the end of our session
By the way, 95% of my sessions are done on the phone!

I have provided a tapping script for back pain today!

Before you start tapping, please rate your pain and write it down on paper. Rate it from 1-10 with 10 being the worst. Describe the pain: dull, aching, stabbing, etc,

After 3 rounds of tapping, reassess your pain and write down your results. Did the pain number lessen, did it change locations, did it change from stabbing to aching? Write it all down.

Do a few more rounds and see if you can reduce it even further.

If you are new to this blog and unfamiliar with the tapping process, please see the "introduction to tapping" link at the top of this page.
It will provide you with everything you need to know!

As always, please change the words to fit your current situation

Karate chop point:

"Even though I have this excruciating back pain I deeply and completely love and accept
myself anyway”

"Even though I am so uncomfortable, I accept all the messages that my body is sending”

"Even though I can’t think of anything else except my pain, I love all of my body anyway”

Round One:

EB: This off the scale back pain
SE: I am so uncomfortable
UE: I can’t think about anything else right now
UN: My back is screaming at me
CH: It definitely has my attention
CB: I can't get comfortable
UA: I can't take any more pain pills
HD: I hate feeling this way
WR: I'm afraid this pain will NEVER go away

**Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the second round of tapping**

Round Two:

EB: Even though I have ignored the messages my back has been sending me all this
time, I choose to listen to it now
SE: I deserve to feel healthy and whole
UE: I choose to imagine by body pain free
UN: I might be able to throw away those toxic pain pills
CH: I give my body permission to start healing itself, starting with my back
CB: The very part of my body that supports me everyday
UA: I feel the presence of healing love in my body
HD: Love is now healing my back
WR: Life now supports me as does my back

** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the third round of tapping**

Round Three:

EB: I’m grateful for this pain gift which brought me understanding and compassion
SE: I forgive myself and anyone else that may have contributed to my back pain
UE: Forgiveness is a gift I now give to myself and those around me
UN: I deserve to be healthy
CH: I have the power to heal my own body
CB: I am asking Archangle Raphael to assist me in this healing process
UA: He is the divine angel of healing
HD: Love and light surround my body
WR: I feel safe, relaxed and at peace

**Take a final deep breath and repeat as necessary**

Any questions or concerns, please email me at: calmingyourinnerstorm@gmail.com

Wishing health and happiness!
Cindy (Selvaggio) Shumaker