I Never Have Enough Time!

Here we are already well into January and as I look around, I have to say, I am very happy with what I have accomplished in the first few weeks of the new year. 

Last month, I reviewed my accomplishments, or lack thereof in 2012, and decided I was going to approach the new year a little different than I have in the past.

All too often, I ran out of time at the end of the day, leaving many “to do’s” on my list for the next day. The next day brought the same experience forcing me to cram as much as I could into the weekend; leaving me little or no time to enjoy the little things life had to offer.

It suddenly dawned on me that if I was always declaring that I didn’t have enough time, then the Universe would deliver to me a plenitude of distractions that drained my energy, left me feeling unproductive with no time!

I decided that this year, my mantra would be “Focus and Follow Through”. 

I started the year looking at my unfinished projects and decided to break them down into smaller ones.
I still have unpacked boxes from my move here 18 months ago, so I made a promise to myself that I would unpack and put away or purge one item a day. That’s 7 items a week or about 30 items a month!
That seemed very doable and that’s what I did!
I already see a dent in the pile that has been sitting there since 2011 and it only took 5-10 min a day.

I have to say, I am very proud of the way I am accomplishing little daily things which add up to big things by the end of the week! My feelings of overwhelm and suffocation are lifting and I am filled with a renewed sense of accomplishment!

I am excited thinking about everything I can accomplish in the next 11 months if I stay focused and follow through! 

If you find that you too are feeling overwhelmed or just run out of time at the end of the day, I challenge you to try this tapping script!

If you are new to this blog and unfamiliar with the tapping process, please see the "introduction to tapping" link at the top of this page.
It will provide you with everything you need to know!

Remember to change the words to fit your personal situation so it resonates with you!

Karate chop point:

"Even though I feel like I never have enough time, I love and accept myself anyway”
"Even though I feel overwhelmed, I accept this feeling and everything it means to me”
"Even though my ‘to do’ list leaves me feeling suffocated, I love myself anyway ”

Round One:

EB: I never have enough time
SE: No time at the end of the day
UE: I feel so overwhelmed
UN: I can never catch up
CH: So many things undone
CB: Untouched projects
UA: I can feel the stress in my body
HD: Will I ever get caught up?
WR: I don’t think I will ever be able to relax

** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the second round of tapping**

Round Two:

EB: I have to turn this lifestyle around
SE: Maybe I can look at this from a different angle
UE: I’m not really sure how to do that
UN: But maybe there’s a simpler solution
CH: What if I break down my larger projects
CB: The ones that seem to never get done
UA: Into tinier, more manageable projects?
HD: That might just work
WR: I’m starting to feel a little more relaxed

** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the third round of tapping**

Round Three:

EB: I forgive myself and anyone else that may have led to this feeling of overwhelm
SE: I am taking control of my life starting today
UE: I am going to focus and follow through
UN: Taking baby steps as I go
CH: I will spend 10 minutes a day
CB: That adds up to an hour’s worth of time at the end of the week
UA: I am getting excited thinking about everything I can accomplish this way
HD: I am taking control
WR: I can feel my attitude changing!

**Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the fourth round of tapping**

Round Four:

EB: It’s time to let it all go
SE: Let the overwhelm go
UE: Let suffocation go
UN: It’s safe to let it go
CH: I’m safe
CB: All the fatigue, stress, overwhelm and suffocation
UA: It’s safe to let them all go
HD: I’m ready to let them go
WR: I’m ready for some satisfaction!

                                         **Take a deep breath and say “PEACE”**

Showering you with blessings of renewed energy and accomplishments!
Cindy (Selvaggio) Shumaker

This "Tapping Thing" Explained...

I want to share a video with you today
that features Nick Ortner, the producer of
the upcoming 5th annual Tapping World Summit...
As he describes in details, exactly what this
"Tapping thing" is, how it it works, what it
works on, the science and research behind it,
and how you can use it immediately to improve
your life...


Now I say this "Tapping thing" jokingly,
only because it's something that seems
strange to many when they first hear about it.
The truth is that Tapping, otherwise known
as EFT, is an extremely popular technique
used by countless people around the world.
You don't have to go far to hear people lauding
over how Tapping has changed their life and
how much they recommend it. 
It's even heavily supported by doctors, psychologists,
therapists, coaches and other professionals.
But at the end of the day, the only thing that
matters is that YOU try it out for yourself and
experience the results that it brings. 
Watch this video with Nick Ortner.  It will give
you a practical, down to earth explanation of
what Tapping is and how it works.


I especially liked how Nick broke it down and
explained why and how it works on certain issues. 
He has a very common sense approach that
I think you'll enjoy.  :)


Enjoy the video,
Cindy Selvaggio Shumaker

P.S. - Dr. Wayne Dyer recently said about
Tapping: "Put away your skepticism, this
really works...I've had great results with
tapping in my own life."

Jack Canfield calls it "..the most powerful
new transformational technology to
come along in years..."

Lissa Rankin M.D. says, "For those seeking
a prescription for eliminating limiting,
self-sabotaging beliefs that lead to fear,
anxiety, and chronic illness, look no further
than The Tapping Solution."


Are your thoughts killing you?

I realize as I reflect over the last four decades of my life, that I used to share a common mental trait with many…I used to replay the same life changing, traumatic movie in my head time and time again, pushing that replay button on my mental remote, watching the same movie as if it were an award winning screenplay!

There were happier times that could have been focused on, but for some reason I was driven to hit the rewind button to watch the same faces, hear the same sounds and listen to the same conversations, all of which elicited the same negative emotions I initially experienced.
These emotions produced physical pains and sensations in my body that made the haunting movie feel very real!  So real, in fact, that it felt like it was happening all over again!

Does this sound familiar to you?
Why is it so hard to let bad memories go? What purpose do they serve other than making us feel sad, guilty, depressed and afraid?
So many times I sat with tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat and yet I still couldn’t let go!  Why were these awful memories so comforting to me? 
We can’t change the past, yet we are more focused on the negative memories of our past than we are at creating new memories in the present!  Those bad memories drive us to feel negative emotions in the present. 

Think about your best friend and picture him or her in your mind right now, smiling and laughing. Then think about that friend’s face when reminded of a tragic event in their past. Envision the smile fading as the memory resurfaces. Your friend is reliving that memory that you so vividly brought back to life. That memory causes your friend to cry tears of sadness.

Would you willingly cause your best friend this pain?  More than likely, not!
So why do you do it to yourself? It is nothing more than a form of self-abuse and you have become our own worst enemy! And no one can do a better job of making you miserable than YOU!
Let’s take it one step further. Would you drink a bottle labeled “POISON”? 
You say no, but essentially you are drinking poison each time you indulge in repetitive toxic thoughts that corrode your body. Toxic thoughts create a toxic body!

The mind is powerful and doesn’t know the difference between reality and fantasy, especially when your thoughts produce a negative physical response. Negative emotions produce negative sensations in our bodies, which over time will cause our organs to slowly deteriorate. 

Long term anger, guilt, criticism and resentment are the four biggest contributors to disease. When you hit that rewind button and watch that traumatic movie over and over again, your body stores those emotions at a cellular level resulting in arthritis, infections, cancer, tumors and fibromyalgia to name a few.  In hitting that rewind button, you may have rewritten the movie of your life, creating an ending that now includes an earlier death.

You’ve probably heard it said that anger or resentment will “eat you alive”. There is a lot of truth in that statement!  It’s time to press the stop button and erase that negative movie right now!

If you are new to this blog and unfamiliar with the tapping process, please see the "introduction to tapping" link at the top of this page.
It will provide you with everything you need to know!

Remember to change the words to fit your personal situation so it resonates with you!

Start with the Karate chop point.

Karate chop point:

"Even though I don’t know how to stop these thoughts, I love and accept myself anyway”
"Even though I replay the same movie in my head, I don’t know how to change this pattern”
"Even though I know it isn’t good for me to revisit those negative memories, I’m not sure if I want to let them go”

Round One:

EB: This haunting memory
SE: I don’t know how to let it go
UE: I think about it every day
UN: I find myself staring into space
CH: Replaying that same movie over and over again
CB: It makes me sad
UA: It won’t go away
HD: It feels like it happened yesterday
WR: All these bad memories

** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the second round of tapping**

Round Two:

EB: I know I have become my own worst enemy
SE: I wouldn’t do this to my best friend
UE: So why do I do it to myself
UN: I don’t like how it makes me feel
CH: But I don’t know how to change it
CB:  I really would like it to stop
UA: I am ready to let go
HD: I want to move on
WR: But it’s easier said than done

** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the third round of tapping**

Round Three:

EB: All this sadness
SE: All this trauma
UE: All this betrayal
UN: It’s all my fault
CH: It’s eating me alive
CB: I’m a prisoner in my own head
UA: It’s time to let go
HD: It’s time to move on
WR: I want to watch a happier movie!

**Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the fourth round of tapping**

Round Four:

EB: It’s time to let it go
SE: Let it go
UE: Let it go
UN: It’s safe to let it go
CH: I’m safe
CB: All this hurt, all this sadness, all this betrayal, all this grief
UA: It’s safe to let it all go
HD: I’m ready to let it go
WR: I’m rewriting a new ending to this movie

**Take a deep breath and say “PEACE”**

Showering you with blessings of a new award winning movie that leaves you smiling!
Cindy (Selvaggio) Shumaker

Here is a diagram and explanation of the tapping points. 

I have also included the areas of the body that are directly affected by tapping these acupressure points

Locating the Tapping Points

The Sore Spot (Tender Spot):
You can use the sore spot OR the Karate chop point – I choose the Karate chop point just because it is easier and more convenient.
Either one will work fine, it is your preference
 If you choose to use the sore spot, this area is located in the upper left or right portions of the chest
Go to the base of the throat about where a man would knot his tie.
Poke around in this area and you will find a U shaped notch at the top of your sternum (breastbone).
From the top of that notch go down 3 inches toward your navel and over 3 inches to your left (or right).
You should now be in the upper left (or right) portion of your chest.
If you press vigorously in that area (within a 2 inch radius) you will find a “Sore Spot.” This is the place you will need to rub while saying the affirmation.
This spot is sore when you rub it vigorously because lymphatic congestion occurs there.

Karate Chop:
It is located in the middle of the fleshy part on the outside of the hand between the top of the wrist bone and the base of the baby finger.
This point is associated with the small intestine meridian.
Tapping here helps relieve the feeling of being stuck or frozen.
It helps you to move forward, to let go of the old. 

Eyebrow Point:
At the beginning of the eyebrow, just above and to one side of the nose and is abbreviated “EB” in the tapping script.
This point is associated with the bladder meridian.
Tapping here helps release traumas, hurt and sadness.
It can bring a sense of inner peace

Side of the Eye:
On the bone bordering the outside corner of the eye and is abbreviated “SE” in the tapping script.
This point is associated with the gall bladder meridian.
Tapping here helps release anger, resentment and fear of change.
It helps with clarity, compassion and understanding

Under the Eye:
On the bone under an eye about 1 inch below your pupil and is abbreviated “UE” in the tapping script.
This point is associated with the stomach meridian
Tapping here helps release fear, anxiety, worry, nervousness and disappointment.
It helps instill calmness and feeling safe

Under the Nose:
On the small area between the bottom of your nose and the top of your upper lip and is abbreviated “UN” in the tapping script.
This point is the governing meridian
Tapping here helps release shame, guilt, grief, fear of failure.
 It may help instill self empowerment and self acceptance

Midway between the point of your chin and the bottom of your lower lip and is abbreviated “CH” in the tapping script.
This point is the central meridian
Tapping here helps release confusion, uncertainty and second guessing decisions.
 It may help instill self confidence and clarity

Collar Bone:
This is the junction where the sternum (breastbone), collarbone and the first rib meet.
To locate it, first place your forefinger on the U-shaped notch at the top of the breastbone (about where a man would knot his tie).
From the bottom of the U, move your forefinger down toward the navel 1 inch and then go to the left (or right) 1 inch.
I make a loose fist with either hand and gently tap this area.
This point is abbreviated “CB” in the tapping script.
This point is associated with the kidney meridian.

Tapping here helps release general stress, worry, indecision.
It may ease movement forward

Under the Arm:
On the side of the body, it is about 4 inches below the armpit and is abbreviated “UA” in the tapping script.
This point is associated with the spleen meridian
Tapping here helps release guilt, obsessing, worry, hopelessness.
It may instill relaxation, and compassion for self and others.

Top of Head:
Tap in a small circular motion on the top of the head. This point is abbreviated “HD” in the tapping script.
This point is associated with the “hundred meeting points” meridian.

Tapping here helps release the inner critic, lack of focus and gerbil wheel thinking.
It may instill insight, spiritual connection, focus and wisdom.

Located below the hand on the underside of your arm. The point where a woman would dab her perfume – tap both wrists together.
This point is abbreviated “WR” in the tapping script.
This point is associated with the heart, pericardium and lungs.

Tapping here helps release sadness, heartache, stress, anxiety and grief