Who would I be without all this fear

photo source: pixabay
I was talking to a close friend today who has hit another big road bump in life.
Challenges are not new to her, in fact, they have become her way of life and physical pain had set in once again.

As we chatted she said she needed God to give her a miracle, it was the only thing that she had left.  

I told her she had to let go, hand it over in faith. So what do I do, she asked. Do I have to say out loud "I'm letting go, you take over!" How do I summon help she asked, just HOW do I let go?

I reassured her that he had already heard her pleas, but she is blocking his answers because she can't stay quiet. She can't quiet her mind long enough to hear his divine answer because she is living in a state of fear.
"Who would I be without all this fear? " she asked. "That's all I've ever known!" 

She had to admit that her body was probably in the pain that it was because her adrenals were shot from constantly being in a fearful state.

I think we've all felt this way at some point our lives, but if we don't quiet the fear based monkey chatter in our heads, we can't hear our intuitive voice or answers from the divine. I like to compare this to being at a deafening concert. People try to talk, but can't hear a thing because the music is too loud.
God tries to talk, but we can't hear a darn thing because the chatter is too loud in our minds.

We want to stay in control, white knuckling the steering wheel of life, making sure we don't veer off course when in fact we need to go down a different path. An unfamiliar, unknown path  makes us feel uncomfortable and that's when panic sets in.

That is the exact time we should take a step back, take a deep breath and know that our lives are "recalculating", to keep us moving forward towards the destination that is meant to be.

So how do we let go, how do we shut off that fight or flight part of our brain? 

I have always found tapping a great resource for quieting my mind, calming my hypersensitive spirit so I can regroup and remove the negative feelings that are keeping me from moving forward with confidence and clarity. 

Here is a tapping script that may help you surrender....

If you have never tapped before, I suggest you learn the basics first. Familiarize yourself with the tapping points and how to tap here.

There are oodles of videos on You Tube as well.

Tap on the Karate Chop point and say:

Even though I don't know how to let go, I deeply and completely love and accept who I am anyway.  
Even though my body hurts from worrying so much, I appreciate all the messages my body is sending me. 
Even though I have no idea what lies ahead of me and I am scared, I love and accept myself anyway

Now start your first round of tapping starting with the eyebrow point

EB: All this fear  
SE: I need a miracle right now  
UE: It's all I have left  
UN: I'm so scared  
CH: Time is running out  
CB: I don't know what to do  
UA: I need answers  
HD: I have to stay in control  
WR: It's the only thing that makes me feel better

Take a deep breath and continue

EB: I don't know how to let go  
SE: Maybe I don't want to let go  
UE: I mean, fear is all I've known  
UN: Who would I be without all these fears  
CH: It's how I've gotten through life  
CB: It's how I've gotten where I am today  
UA: Look how that has worked for me so far  
HD: My life is exactly what I have attracted  
WR: With every fearful thought

Take a deep breath and continue, but getting a little more detailed (replace my words with your words/fears)

EB: Maybe I need to calm down
SE: Maybe I can find a way to let go  
UE: As scary as that is  
UN: I know there has to be a better way  
CH: Better than praying for miracles  
CB: It would be nice to know  
UA: Someone else is in charge  
HD: It would take some pressure off me  
WR: Pressure my body doesn't need

Take a deep breath and continue

EB: I forgive myself and anyone else that may have contributed to all this fear  
SE: I think I'm ready to hand my fears over  
UE: I am ready to relax  
UN: And know that all my needs will be taken care of  
CH: That everything is unfolding exactly as it should  
CB: In the right way  
UA: I want to live a carefree life
HD: I am willing to do whatever it takes to turn this around  
WR:I am ready to let it all go

Take a deep breath and continue

EB:I choose to let go starting today  
SE: All this fear  
UE: All the negative feelings that I have felt all these years  
UN: It's time to let it go  
CH: It's safe to let it go  
CB: I'm safe  
UA: All this fear  
HD: Melting away  
WR: Letting it all go

Take a deep breath and continue

EB: Let it go  
SE: Let it go  
UE: It's safe to let it all go  
UN: I'm starting to feel so much better  
CH: I am starting to relax  
CB: I am feeling calmer  
UA: My heart is feeling lighter
HD: I can breathe easier  
WR: I can wake up knowing everything will be just fine!

Take a deep breath and say PEACE

Continue to use this script over and over, replacing my words with words that resonate with you, that feels true for you. You must give yourself permission to feel your emotions and change the words to fit those emotions and mental pictures you hold inside of you.

Tapping does work if you use it consistently and persistently

Showering you with blessings of calmer days and arriving at the perfect destination!
Love, Cindy

We all carry the same baggage

Sometimes we feel all alone with our problems, but the truth is, we all lug the same stuff around, they're just disguised differently.

At times, the load gets so heavy, we feel crushed by the burden of carrying our stuff from relationship to relationship or job to job. If we don't find a way to purge or let go of our stuff, we find unhealthy ways to cope.

We drink it away, we eat it, we gamble it, we shop it, we sleep it away....but do we really?
When we sober up, or wake up or rack up debt on our credit cards, our problems still exist, we just found a convenient way to numb them for awhile.

Until we successfully find a way to "let go", our problems will eat us up.
Unsuccessful coping mechanisms leads to self destructive behavior which leads to long term health issues which eventually eat us from the inside out.

Over time, our bodies will develop chronic diseases which just exacerbates our worry and piles more baggage on top of what we are already lugging around.

We must find ways to get to the core of our issues, and yank them out by the roots, like the nasty weeds that they are!
Until we do that, we will continue to mentally and physically decay.

I challenge you to take that first brave step and peek inside that dark heavy load you've been carrying around. It may be moldy and somewhat stinky in there, but your stuff has had time to vegetate and fester.  Be brave and rip it open anyway!

Get honest with yourself, take control and use a tool like tapping to eradicate each stinky emotional burden you've been carrying! Doing so will create a vacuum of attracting exciting new experiences that you never thought possible!

Showering you with blessings of lighter loads and brighter days!

Panic attacks

I have never suffered from panic attacks, but I've had friends and family that have suffered from this crippling emotional state.

The fearful feelings of dying, of losing it in public, of being embarrassed, just trying to keep it all under control when you are falling apart inside.....it is paralyzing and crippling!

Panic attacks are created in an effort to keep you safe based on internal references from past experiences. You may not know where they come from, you just know how you feel inside and that alone is a good place to start.

The first step in overcoming these attacks are by writing down everything about your attacks. 

What are they about, your biggest fears, how do you feel inside when you have them, where do you feel them in your body, what triggers them and then start releasing what you don't want...the memories, experiences, people and feelings that might be driving theses attacks.

Once you have the list complete, you start tapping on each one, releasing the emotional charges contained within.

For example, if you had a bad experience at the grocery store when you were a child, you may have panic attacks every time you go to the grocery store as an adult.

In order to clear these negative emotions, you have to neutralize the internal references that keep you a prisoner today.

So...you want to recall the event as best as you can and start tapping on each aspect of that grocery store memory  until you no longer feel it in your body.

If you don't have a specific event or memory, just tune into how you feel. Start tapping using my words below and slowly, your subconscious should start revealing memories that you need to clear to heal.

Take responsibility for your body and your mental health by tuning into your emotions, your feelings and keep yourself safe. Don't do anything that doesn't feel right for you. You are always in control!

If you have never tapped before, I suggest you learn the basics first. Familiarize yourself with the tapping points and how to tap here.

There are oodles of videos on You Tube as well.

Tap on the Karate Chop point and say:

Even though I feel like a mess inside, I deeply and completely love and accept myself
Even though my heart feels likes its beating out of my chest, I accept this feeling as a message from my body that I have some emotional work to do
Even though I feel paralyzed sometimes and I'm afraid to move, I accept this feeling and everything it represents in my life.

Now start your first round of tapping starting with the eyebrow point

EB: This fearful feeling
SE: This crippling feeling
UE: I don't want to move right now
UN: I'm afraid of what might happen
CH: My beating heart
CB: My sweaty hands
UA: All these thoughts racing through my head
HD: I hate feeling this way
WR: I feel like a prisoner in my own body

Take a deep breath and continue

EB: I don't think I can ever overcome these feelings
SE: I've had them as long as I can remember
UE: They've become a part of my routine
UN: Of who I am
CH: I don't know how I would act if I was calm
CB: Would I feel safe?
UA: Would I feel better if I changed how I looked at my world?
HD: Is it even possible
WR: I know I am not weak, I want to feel stronger than this

Take a deep breath and continue, but getting a little more detailed (replace my words with your words/fears)

EB: All this fear driving to the grocery store
SE: I have to go, but my heart is beating like crazy
UE: All this anxiety in my chest
UN: All this constricted breathing
CH: All the past memories
CB: Stored in my chest
UA: I have become a prisoner of my thoughts
HD: I know I am doing this to myself
WR: But I don't know how to change it

Take a deep breath and continue

EB: I know I am stuck in the past
SE: In my mind, I know there is nothing to be afraid of
UE: But my heart feels differently
UN:I know I must change these feelings
CH: And I think I am ready for that change
CB: I want to feel free again
UA: I want to live a carefree life
HD: I am willing to do whatever it takes to turn this around
WR:I am ready to let it all go

Take a deep breath and continue

EB:I choose to forgive myself and anyone else that created these panic attacks
SE: All this anxiety, all this fear
UE: All the negative feelings that I have felt all these years
UN: It's time to let it go
CH: It's safe to let it go
CB: I'm safe
UA: All this fear, all this anxiety
HD: Melting away
WR: Letting it all go

Take a deep breath and continue

EB: I am tired of the melt downs
SE: I will get through this
UE: I know these fearful feelings are temporary
UN: So I am choosing to let them go
CH: One thought at a time
CB: I am stronger than I realize
UA: And I will overcome this
HD: One baby step at a time
WR: I am choosing to let this all go
Take a deep breath and continue

EB: Let it go
SE: Let it go
UE: It's safe to let it all go
UN: I'm starting to feel so much better
CH: I am starting to relax
CB: I am feeling calmer
UA: My heart is feeling lighter
HD: I can breathe easier
WR:I love that I am in control now

Take a deep breath and say PEACE

Continue to use this script over and over, replacing my words with words that resonate with you, that feels true for you. You must give yourself permission to feel your emotions and change the words to fit those emotions and mental pictures you hold inside of you.

Tapping does work if you use it consistently and persistently

Showering you with blessings of calmer days