Do you have someone in your life that pushes your buttons?
If so, I want to congratulate you because you have been blessed - Yes, very blessed!
A button pusher is someone who annoys you; someone who draws a strong emotional response, usually anger; someone who manipulates you to produce a desired response – THEIR desired response.
A button pusher typically dominates the conversation using sarcasm and their opinion is always the right one!
I bet someone’s name just penetrated your mind! Your blood pressure is probably rising as you hear their voice in your head as you revisit a recent conversation.
That button pusher has been put in your life for a reason. Whether you realize it or not, on an energetic level, they are forcing you to forge ahead. You are being pushed outside your comfort zone to achieve things that you may not have the confidence to do.
When a button pusher starts vomiting their opinion all over you, you immediately feel like you’ve been punched in the gut; they deflate your hopes and dreams.
Button pushers are dream stealers!
Dream stealers are insecure, weak people who don’t have the courage to chase their own dreams. They will do everything they can to discourage you, because your dreams are a threat to them. Your dreams make them feel like they are failures in their own lives or because it is a negative reflection of their relationship with you.
A button pusher will awaken the giant within you! You will start to see what you want more clearly because everything they say goes against every fiber of your being. Your dreams and desires stand at attention in your soul and start marching down the right path. The path of success!!
Be grateful today – Shout “thank you” to your button pusher!
Ironically, they will be the ones who are left in an emotional dust to choke on their own words!
One last thought – if YOU are the button pusher, you might want to take a good hard look in the mirror and ask “why”.
If you are having a difficult time emotionally detaching from a button pusher, you can use the following tapping script to help take the zing out of the situation.
If you are new to this blog and unfamiliar with the tapping process, please see the "introduction to tapping" link at the top of this page. It will provide you with everything you need to know!
As always, please change the words to fit your current situation
Karate chop point:
"Even though I am so irritated right now, I love and accept myself anyway”
"Even though she pushes all my buttons, I accept this feeling and everything it means to me ”
"Even though I am feeling so defeated, I love who I am anyway”
Round One:
EB: I can’t believe she just said that to me!
SE: I am so mad right now
UE: Who does she think she is
UN: She thinks she knows what’s best for me!
CH: She’s supposed to love me
CB: Not pick on me
UA: She told me to get my head out of the clouds
HD: To face reality
WR: What does she know?
** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the second round of tapping**
Round Two:
EB: I am so upset
SE: She doesn’t believe in me
UE: And that really hurts
UN: She just doesn’t get it
CH: I know what makes me happy
CB: And it’s NOT her ideas of what I should do
UA: I’ll show her!
HD: I have dreams
WR: She will be so surprised when I am successful
** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the third round of tapping**
Round Three:
EB: I choose to forgive her ignorance
SE: I will forgive her as a way of releasing the hold she has had on me
UE: I am in charge of my hopes and dreams
UN: It is all good
CH: I’ll show her!
CB: I am determined to succeed now
UA: There is no stopping me
HD: Watch out world, here I come!
WR: I love that I am in charge and in control of my life! “YES”
Erase your fears today!
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photo source: google images |
I pictured myself standing in front of it, chalk in hand, writing down my latest fear.
As I stepped back and waited a few minutes, the words started to slowly fade until I couldn’t see them anymore. Were they really gone - gone forever?
I stood there for a few more minutes watching the wall and they never reappeared.
I took a short walk and came back - still not there!
What if I could scribble my fears on the wall every day and slowly watch them disappear?
My mind started to wander, thinking of the possibilities.
Then it hit me – we DO have a wall and it is called GOD!
I AM supposed to hand over all my fears, worries, concerns and doubts to him every day.
I AM supposed to let go and walk in faith that my fears will be erased.
So why is that so difficult?
Maybe it's because I want to actually see the proof; actually watch them disappear. It solidifies the process and makes it real.
Today, I promised myself that I would work on the process of trusting, of letting go, of walking away without looking back for proof.
To help myself ease the process of letting go and trusting GOD, I have written a tapping script that you may find useful as well.
If you are new to this blog and unfamiliar with the tapping process, please see the "introduction to tapping" link at the top of this page. It will provide you with everything you need to know!
As always, please change the words to fit your current situation
Karate chop point:
"Even though I have this fear, I love and accept myself anyway”
"Even though I’m scared, I accept this feeling and everything it means to me”
"Even though I have a hard time letting go, I love who I am anyway”
Round One:
EB: This fear
SE: It has been on my mind all day
UE: I have tried to divert my attention and think of other things
UN: But that was only a temporary fix
CH: I want to think more pleasant thoughts
CB: I want to focus on positive ideas
UA: I am still so scared
HD: I wish I knew what the outcome will be
WR: The fear of the unknown is stressing me out
** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the second round of tapping**
Round Two:
EB: This situatuion reminds me of _______ (something from your past that had a negative outcome)
SE: That was a scary time for me
UE: I don’t want to repeat that time in my life
UN: But maybe this time will be different
CH: Maybe the outcome will actually be pleasant
CB: I hadn’t thought of that before
UA: I like this new thought
HD: There is a very good possibility everything may be just fine
WR: I am starting to feel a lot better about this situation
** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the third round of tapping**
Round Three:
EB: I forgive myself and anyone else that may have contributed to this fear
SE: I love how I am turning this around
UE: I choose to imagine a picture perfect outcome
UN: My heart is starting to feel lighter
CH: The gray cloud is starting to lift and the sun is starting to peek through
CB: My fear is evaporating like the fog in the first ray of sunshine
UA: I choose to let go!
HD: I am erasing my fear right now...
WR: I feel calm, confident and finally in control!
**Take another deep breath and see if you are feeling any lighter**
I want to push the fast forward button!
What if we had the capability to fast forward through life's challenges and take a peek at the ending?
If we knew the outcomes, we could make better decisions, make better choices and remain in control.
How cool would that be?
Or would it…
I have stared down life’s challenges many times, face to face, eye to eye and the hardest part of the situation was not having all the answers; not knowing which way to turn or which decision was the best.
Looking back, I realize those were the times I had the most personal growth.
If it were not for the gut wrenching, heart breaking, mentally exhausting challenges, I would not be who I am today.
There was freedom in realizing that I wasn’t perfect, that I didn’t have all the answers and that I had no idea how I was going to land on my feet.
The freedom to make mistakes, to fail and to find out what I was made of. The freedom to let go and trust my intuition, to believe in a higher power and most importantly, divine timing!
The freedom to truly live and grow!
Those were the times that blessed me with new opportunities, new surroundings and new acquaintances.
I can say without a doubt, I would not have the friends I do today; I would not have started a blog or an inspirational Facebook page, had I not emotionally touched those pieces of my life’s puzzle.
I am so grateful for the challenges and the uncertainties because they contributed to the richness of my life as it is today!
If you are having challenges and need a little help trusting the process and accepting the fact that this is exactly where you need to be to grow, I have provided a tapping script to help calm nerves and ease emotional turmoil.
If you are new to this blog and unfamiliar with the tapping process, please see the "introduction to tapping" link at the top of this page. It will provide you with everything you need to know!
As always, please change the words to fit your current situation
Karate chop point:
"Even though I have no idea what’s going to happen, I love and accept myself anyway”
"Even though I don’t have answers, I love who I am ”
"Even though there is so much uncertainty, I accept these feelings and everything they mean to me”
Round One:
EB: I have no idea how this is going to turn out
SE: So much to think about
UE: I don’t have all the answers
UN: I am always in control
CH: People look to me for guidance
CB: But I have no idea what that means right now
UA: This is scary
HD: What do I do
WR: I want to push the fast forward button right now
** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the second round of tapping**
Round Two:
EB: I really need to take a deep breath and relax
SE: That is so out of character for me
UE: I am the one telling others to relax
UN: I want to trust my intuition
CH: And follow my gut instinct
CB: It’s usually always right
UA: I choose to let go of my need to be perfect right now
HD: And trust in a higher power
WR: This is another instance of divine timing at its best
** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the third round of tapping**
Round Three:
EB: I choose to forgive myself and anyone else that may have contributed to this situation
SE: Part of growing and healing is learning to forgive
UE: Wow, that felt great to say!
UN: I love how I am handling this right now
CH: Everything is falling into place as we speak
CB: No need to see the ending
UA: I am trusting the process and embracing the outcome
HD: I am feeling more confident, calm and peaceful
WR: I choose to believe that everything will be OK!
**Take another deep breath and repeat as necessary*
If we knew the outcomes, we could make better decisions, make better choices and remain in control.
How cool would that be?
Or would it…
I have stared down life’s challenges many times, face to face, eye to eye and the hardest part of the situation was not having all the answers; not knowing which way to turn or which decision was the best.
Looking back, I realize those were the times I had the most personal growth.
If it were not for the gut wrenching, heart breaking, mentally exhausting challenges, I would not be who I am today.
There was freedom in realizing that I wasn’t perfect, that I didn’t have all the answers and that I had no idea how I was going to land on my feet.
The freedom to make mistakes, to fail and to find out what I was made of. The freedom to let go and trust my intuition, to believe in a higher power and most importantly, divine timing!
The freedom to truly live and grow!
Those were the times that blessed me with new opportunities, new surroundings and new acquaintances.
I can say without a doubt, I would not have the friends I do today; I would not have started a blog or an inspirational Facebook page, had I not emotionally touched those pieces of my life’s puzzle.
I am so grateful for the challenges and the uncertainties because they contributed to the richness of my life as it is today!
If you are having challenges and need a little help trusting the process and accepting the fact that this is exactly where you need to be to grow, I have provided a tapping script to help calm nerves and ease emotional turmoil.
If you are new to this blog and unfamiliar with the tapping process, please see the "introduction to tapping" link at the top of this page. It will provide you with everything you need to know!
As always, please change the words to fit your current situation
Karate chop point:
"Even though I have no idea what’s going to happen, I love and accept myself anyway”
"Even though I don’t have answers, I love who I am ”
"Even though there is so much uncertainty, I accept these feelings and everything they mean to me”
Round One:
EB: I have no idea how this is going to turn out
SE: So much to think about
UE: I don’t have all the answers
UN: I am always in control
CH: People look to me for guidance
CB: But I have no idea what that means right now
UA: This is scary
HD: What do I do
WR: I want to push the fast forward button right now
** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the second round of tapping**
Round Two:
EB: I really need to take a deep breath and relax
SE: That is so out of character for me
UE: I am the one telling others to relax
UN: I want to trust my intuition
CH: And follow my gut instinct
CB: It’s usually always right
UA: I choose to let go of my need to be perfect right now
HD: And trust in a higher power
WR: This is another instance of divine timing at its best
** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the third round of tapping**
Round Three:
EB: I choose to forgive myself and anyone else that may have contributed to this situation
SE: Part of growing and healing is learning to forgive
UE: Wow, that felt great to say!
UN: I love how I am handling this right now
CH: Everything is falling into place as we speak
CB: No need to see the ending
UA: I am trusting the process and embracing the outcome
HD: I am feeling more confident, calm and peaceful
WR: I choose to believe that everything will be OK!
**Take another deep breath and repeat as necessary*
Someday my prince will come.....
Over the last several months, I have taken note of the fact that many of my Facebook readers on Calming Your Inner Storm have indicated they are single, lonely or feeling that void in the “love” department and they don’t know how to turn it around.
I want to offer my view point on the subject as it relates to the Law of Attraction.
I know there are thousands if not millions of articles on the art of attracting a soul mate; try googling that topic next time you are bored!
I am going to keep my thoughts short and sweet and provide a tapping script to help solidify the feelings and thoughts necessary for attracting your “knight in shining armor” or your soul mate.
Most people, who are longing for a companion, constantly think about the lack of having a special someone in their life. They may even focus on the negative qualities of their past relationships. That needs to stop!
Remember that you attract what you think about or better put, “thoughts become things”.
If you think that all men are after one thing, then you will attract men that only want one thing. If you think that all the good men are taken, then you will be attracted to men already in committed relationships. If you think that all women want is your money, then you will attract gold diggers – pure and simple – you get what you focus on!
The sooner you take responsibility for your thoughts and feelings, the sooner you will attract what you want and repel what you don’t want.
Today is the day that you are going to turn that stinkin’ thinkin’ around!
The first and most important thing I want you to do is FEEL GOOD - right NOW!
Feeling good raises your vibration and starts attracting better feeling things into your life. Remember…"thoughts become things".
Do whatever it takes to feel good consistently every day. Take a walk, listen to music, paint, read, pet your dog, have coffee with a friend or watch a good movie - just do something that makes you feel good!
Next thing I want you to do is LET GO – let go of the “lack” mindset. The more you focus on what you don’t have, the more you will attract what you don’t have. "I am so lonely" - OK, you will continue to be lonely today, tomorrow, next week, next year. You receive what you declare, pure and simple!
Remember that things will not change overnight, but with consistent positive thoughts and feeling good, the tide will change and more good things will come your way.
I want you to get a sticky note today and write “I am so grateful I have attracted a soul mate that is perfect for me and my lifestyle!” Put that note on your bathroom mirror or somewhere that you will see it every day. Read it out loud with enthusiasm and watch what happens!
Have patience – divine timing is everything!
Here’s a tapping script to help:
If you are new to this blog and unfamiliar with the tapping process, please see the "introduction to tapping" link at the top of this page. It will provide you with everything you need to know!
Please change the words to fit your current situation - you might want to attract a princess instead!
Karate chop point:
"Even though I have no idea where my soul mate is, I love and accept myself anyway”
"Even though my heart is lonely, I accept this feeling and everything it means to me”
"Even though I feel like I might be alone forever, I know I don’t need another person to make me feel complete”
Round One:
EB: Where is my knight in shining armor?
SE: I am so lonely right now
UE: I’m afraid I will be single forever
UN: Time is running out
CH: I’m not getting any younger
CB: All the good men are taken
UA: There has to be one more left out there for me
HD: Does he know I am looking for him?
WR: Maybe, just maybe, he is looking for me…..
** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the second round of tapping**
Round Two:
EB: I am open to trying something new to turn my love life around
SE: What if I find something fun to focus on every day, even if it is for a few minutes
UE: I promise not to dwell on what I don’t have any more
UN: I am open to letting go and trusting the process
CH: I know I am exactly where I am supposed to be at this point in my life
CB: Every day that goes by is one day closer to finding my soul mate
UA: I choose to relax and stay calm
HD: I am finally taking charge of my life
WR: I am getting excited!
** Now take a deep breath or two and proceed to the third round of tapping**
Round Three:
EB: I forgive myself and anyone else in my past who may have contributed to this loneliness
SE: I am taking responsibility for my thoughts and feelings
UE: I refuse to be a victim any more
UN: I am attracting a soul mate right now who will love me unconditionally
CH: I am willing to be patient and wait for someone who deserves me
CB: I can't wait...
UA: But, I choose to relax and trust in a higher power
HD: My heart is feeling lighter and happier
WR: I am feeling calm, confident and peaceful now...
**Take another deep breath and repeat as necessary**
Tapping tip:
Tapping on your middle finger heps reduce sadness, self-absorption, poor relationships, hypersensitivity.
It helps balance love, happiness and contentment
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